
Linköping, Sweden

Annual General Meeting 2021

More than 150 shareholders were represented at Sectra’s 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM), all in the form of votes cast in advance. Among other resolutions, the AGM resolved on a share split, to transfer SEK 0.90 per share (after completed share split) to the shareholders through a redemption procedure and to implement performance-based incentive programs for employees. Thanks to everyone who took part!

[Swe] För svenska, se fliken Information och handlingar på svenska.

This list will be updated with new documents when available.

Proposals are presented in the notice of the AGM. The complete proposals for resolutions and other documents have been available above since August 24, 2021 (three weeks prior to the AGM) and at the company’s office in Linköping, Sweden. Shareholders wishing to take part of these documents may notify the company, whereupon the documents will be sent by mail to the address provided.

Share split 5:1

Among other resolutions, the 2021 AGM resolved on a share split whereby each share, regardless of class, will be split into five shares of the same class. The Board of Directors is authorized to determine the record date for the division, provided that the record date shall be determined so that it does not occur later than October 14, 2021.

Time table and further information about the split | Event

Share redemption procedure

The AGM also resolved on a procedure for the automatic redemption of shares. The amount payable for each redemption share shall be SEK 0.90 taking into account the division of shares (or 4.50 SEK before the share split 5:1).

Time table and further information about the redemption procedure | Event

[English] Share redemption program 2021 | PDF

[Swedish] Inlösenprogram 2021 | PDF

[Swe] För svenska, se fliken Information och handlingar på svenska.


The notice was published August 13, 2021:

[English] Notice

[Swedish] Kallelse

The notice will also be announced in the Swedish Official Gazette (Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and an announcement that notice has been given will be published in Svenska Dagbladet.

For all documents, please see the separate tab: Proposals to the AGM, documents and forms.

Shareholders who wish to receive future notices by email and subscribe for information from the company need to fill in their contact information on our webpage: investor.sectra.com/subscribe.

Nomination Committee and how to submit proposals

A Nomination Committee has been appointed in accordance with the resolution of the 2020 AGM. The Nomination Committee’s proposals have been announced in the Notice, please see the links above.

Please see the separate tab Documents and forms for the Nomination Committee’s statement.

[Swe] För svenska, se fliken Information och handlingar på svenska.

Registration and notification

A shareholder wishing to attend the AGM by way of postal voting shall

  • be entered as a shareholder in the register of shareholders held by Euroclear Sweden AB as of Monday, September 6, 2021, and no later than Monday, September 13, 2021
  • provide notification by way of submitting its postal vote in accordance with the instructions under the heading Postal voting below so that the vote is submitted to Euroclear Sweden AB no later than on that date. Please note that a notification for the AGM can only be made by way of submitting a postal vote.

A shareholder who wishes to participate in the AGM and who holds its shares through a nominee (Sw. förvaltare) must, in addition to providing notification by way of submitting its postal vote, arrange for the shares to be registered in its name so that the shareholder is registered in the register of shareholders as of the record date September 6, 2021. Such a registration can be temporary (so-called voting registration) and shall be requested with the nominee according to the nominee’s requirements at such time as is determined by the nominee. A voting registration that has been completed by the nominee no later than Wednesday, September 8, 2021 will be taken into account when preparing the register of shareholders.

Postal voting

Shareholders who are individuals may choose to submit his or her vote digitally by BankID verification via Euroclear Sweden AB’s web site anmalan.vpc.se/euroclearproxy/ no later than Monday, September 13, 2021.

Other shareholders shall use this form in order to submit a postal vote:

[Eng] Form for notification and postal voting

[Swe] Formulär för anmälan och poströstning

For shareholders who are legal entities, a certificate of registration or other documentation to prove authority must be submitted together with the form.

A completed and signed form shall be sent:

  • by post to Sectra AB (publ), c/o Euroclear AB, “Annual General Meeting”, Box 191, 101 23 Stockholm, Sweden or
  • by way of e-mail to generalmeetingservice@euroclear.com (refer to “Sectra AB – Postal voting” in the subject line).

The signed form must be submitted to Euroclear Sweden AB no later than Monday, September 13, 2021.

Sectras årsstämma hölls den 14 september 2021 i Linköping. Mot bakgrund av covid-19-pandemin genomfördes årsstämman enbart genom poströstning och således utan fysisk närvaro av aktieägare, ombud eller utomstående. Fler än 150 aktieägare var förträdda vid stämman som bland annat beslutade om uppdelning av aktier (så kallad aktiesplit), att överföra 0,90 kronor per aktie (efter genomförd aktiesplit) till aktieägarna genom ett inlösenprogram och prestationsbaserade incitamentsprogram för de anställda.

Aktiesplit 5:1

Årsstämman 2021 beslutade att genomföra en uppdelning av aktier, så kallad aktiesplit, varvid en befintlig aktie i Sectra delas i fem aktier.

Tidplan för aktiesplit och ytterligare information | Event

Inlösenprogram 2021

Årsstämman beslutade för räkenskapsåret 2020/2021 att 0,90 kronor per aktie (efter beaktande av uppdelningen av aktier) överförs till aktieägarna genom ett obligatoriskt inlösenförfarande.

Tidplan och  ytterligare information om inlösenförfarandet | Event

Se även broschyren Inlösenprogram 2021 nedan.


Fullständiga förslag till beslut, formulär för förhandsröstning, anmälan och fullmakt samt annan dokumentation har sedan den 24 augusti, tre veckor före årsstämman, hållits tillgängliga ovan och på Sectras kontor i Linköping. Aktieägare som vill få handlingar översända med post kan kontakta bolaget per telefon 013-23 52 00 eller via e-post info.investor@sectra.se.

CEO Torbjörn Kronander’s address to the AGM

[Language Swedish]

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