Group-wide goals

Customers are Sectra’s top priority. We create profitable growth by having satisfied customers and dedicated employees, which ultimately benefits our shareholders.

Sectra works towards targets related to four areas:

  • Customer value
  • Corporate culture, employees and processes
  • Innovation and new business
  • Financial outcome

Our success is monitored through Group-wide result indicators in these areas. In addition, there are also business-specific goals that are followed up in each operating area and business unit. This way we ensure that our operations create value and contribute to sustainable business development.

Overall goal

Sectra’s overall goal is to create significant value for the company’s customers. They should be so satisfied with their experience that they remain for a long time, expand their use of our solutions and recommend Sectra to others. Since our customers are incredibly important for functioning societies, this is also our most important sustainability target.

Operational targets

The advantages and value we create for customers lay the foundation for Sectra’s long-term, sustainable success. High levels of customer satisfaction are the ultimate proof that we deliver value and that Sectra’s services and products markedly improve customers’ operations.

Our progress toward this target is measured on an ongoing basis through internal customer satisfaction surveys based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology and through leading external evaluations in each area, such as KLAS for our medical IT systems.

Status 2023/2024

High level of customer satisfaction

Our employees—and the corporate culture that shapes their conduct and decision- making—are our main competitive advantage. We therefore aim to ensure we have satisfied employees who perceive Sectra as an attractive, equal-opportunity workplace without bullying or harassment. We want our employees to feel that our corporate culture motivates and inspires them. This is crucial to our ability to recruit and retain the right personnel.

We follow up our progress toward achieving these goals with a number of result indicators, which are based on answers from an annual employee survey. To ensure we have the right process and that we can grow in an efficient manner, we also monitor our operating profit in relation to payroll expenses over time.

Status 2023/2024

Dedicated employees who are satisfied, improving as individuals and doing their best to meet or exceed customer expectations.

Healthier employees and minimal absence due to illness.

Sectra aims to be a future-proof partner for our customers. Innovation and continuous development are therefore important. This target can be summarized in a quote ascribed to hockey great Wayne Gretzky: “Skate to where the puck is going to be.” In other words, we must ensure that Sectra is well-positioned to meet future customer needs.

How well we meet this target is monitored through our annual employee survey with a question about the degree to which the employees agree with the statement “Sectra is innovative”.

Status 2023/2024

Key performance indicator fullfilled.

All Group-wide financial goals exceeded the target levels as of the balance-sheet date April 30, 2023

1. Stability

Why this goal

A strong financial position provides security for customers and enables investments in products, services and areas that create additional value.

Status 2023/2024

The equity/assets ratio exceeds the strategic goal by a comfortable margin. Despite an increase in total assets as a result of increased current receivables and liabilities, the equity/ assets ratio remained stable in 2023/2024.

2. Profitability

Why this goal

A healthy operating margin means that the business transactions in which Sectra can provide the most value are given higher priority than devoting resources to areas in which such value is lower. Favorable profitability enables Sectra to implement growth initiatives that generate a strong long-term return for its shareholders.

Status 2023/2024

Profitability exceeds the strategic goal. The margin decreased as a result of the ongoing transition of the business model. The effect of the transition was partially mitigated by positive exchange-rate effects in 2023/2024.

3. Growth

Why this goal

Monitoring growth in profit rather than sales is more relevant for Sectra, since the share of services and deliveries via the internet is increasing at the expense of deliveries of software licenses and hardware, for example. The goal is calculated per share in order to include the effects of potential acquisitions paid for with treasury shares and other dilution effects. This places the focus on ensuring that each acquisition results in higher operating profit per share, which is in the best interests of the shareholders.

Status 2023/2024

Profit growth exceeds the strategic goal by a comfortable margin. This is a result of the fact that sales growth is rising faster than costs, which is in line with Sectra’s long-term efforts to boost cost-efficiency.