Business model — our vision, strategies and goals

How Sectra creates value for customers and society

A strong corporate culture lays the foundation for how Sectra creates value for its customers, its employees, society at large and thereby its shareholders. The Sectra culture revolves around customer needs and a long-term approach to everything we do.

Mission statements

Medical IT

To increase the effectiveness of healthcare, while maintaining or increasing the quality of care.

Sectra Secure Communications


To strengthen the stability and efficiency of society’s most important functions through solutions for critical IT security.

Group-wide strategies for sustainable value creation
Group-wide strategies for sustainable value creation

Customer value is the top priority

Customers and customer satisfaction are always assigned top priority to enable long-term growth. Close relationships with demanding customers ensure that Sectra’s solutions meet market demands for quality, functionality and usability.

Prioritized activities:

  • Hiring and retaining the right personnel.
  • Leading through a customer-oriented corporate culture.
  • Measuring and following up customer satisfaction.
  • Involving customers in product and business development.
  • Building each employee’s understanding of our customers.

A motivating corporate culture

A corporate culture that motivates and inspires our employees to solve customer problems and constantly drive improvement. All so we can meet—and in many cases exceed—customer expectations.

Prioritized activities:

  • Hire for attitude and ability. Train for skill.
  • Guide decisions and conduct using a strong corporate culture.
  • Create an environment where everyone, especially those working most closely with our customers, has the possibility of affecting the company’s decisions and driving change.
  • Create conditions for employees to continuously develop.

Constant innovation

Close cooperation with customers, universities and industrial partners in order to identify needs and ideas, combined with a corporate culture where management encourages the employees to test out new ideas and projects.

Prioritized activities:

  • Constantly seeking improvement and innovation in our value creation, guided by our corporate culture.
  • Conducting research projects in close cooperation with customers, research centers and other parties.
  • Pursuing agile development processes in close cooperation with customers.
  • Conducting focused projects in a number of future areas such as data security, AI and precision medicine.

Geographic expansion

Expansion mainly takes place in areas and regions where Sectra holds an established position. Expansion is primarily to be achieved through organic growth, in certain cases supplemented by acquisitions that strengthen the Group’s organic growth.

Prioritized activities:

  • Continuing to to grow and become the leader in the segments and regions where the company conducts its own sales.
  • Implementing controlled growth initiatives, carried out by the Group itself and through partners, in a small number of carefully selected markets.
  • Establishing operations in additional countries, and signing agreements with new distribution partners in selected segments and markets.

Achieving our vision requires satisfied customers and employees as well as long-term, responsible action as a company on behalf of all stakeholders. That is why we focus our efforts on these sustainability areas.

Strategies and prioritized activities:

  • Customer value and innovation, see above.
  • Corporate culture and satisfied employees, see above.
  • Taking responsibility for the environment and climate, following fair business principles, counteracting corruption and respecting human rights.

Examples of the values created for society and other stakeholders


  • Increased productivity, high quality and security in the healthcare sector, particularly in the use and management of medical images.
  • Easier planning and monitoring of orthopaedic procedures.
  • Health and social care students and employees who are better prepared for working life.
  • Protection against eavesdropping, unauthorized data access and cyberattacks.


  • Faster diagnosis and treatment, especially in areas related to illnesses among the elderly, and cancer care.
  • More reliable diagnoses yield better care outcomes.
  • Increased access to specialists, regardless of where care is sought.
  • Increased security regarding patient data.

Society and citizens

  • Increased efficiency and quality in medical diagnostic imaging and patient care.
  • Increased cybersecurity in critical social functions.
  • Job opportunities and tax payments in the countries where we operate.
  • Innovations and research results that could contribute to a healthier and safer society, and a lower climate impact.


  • Possibilities for making society healthier and safer.
  • Meaningful employment at an equal-opportunity workplace with highly engaged colleagues.
  • Different career paths and personal development.
  • Competitive employment terms and benefits.
  • Safe and healthy work environment.

Distribution partners and suppliers

  • Expanded business opportunities that provide social benefit.
  • Revenue and job opportunities.


  • Return generated by increased social benefit.
  • Initiatives and investments in niche markets, growth areas and innovation that could contribute to returns over a long period.
40 years of stable & profitable growth