Executive management
Shareholding in Sectra refers to April 30, 2024 and subsequent changes known to Sectra. Number of shares comprises direct shareholdings and holdings through companies and family.
Sectra holdings for Torbjörn Kronander, CEO and President, and Jan-Olof Brüer, Chairman of the Board, include 50% each of the shares in the jointly owned company Shannon AB.
LTIP = Long-term incentive programs for Sectra employees.

Torbjörn Kronander
President and CEO of Sectra AB and Board member
Born/Employee since
Born 1957/Employee since 1985/Member of the Board since 1988/CEO and President since 2012
Sectra holdings
One of the company’s largest owners with 17.1% of the votes and 9.4% of capital
3,887,315 Class A shares and 14,339,465 Class B shares, of which 20,000 pertain to savings shares in LTIP 2021 SROW and a corresponding number of share rights have been allotted, as well as 15,000 share rights in LTIP 2022
PhD (Technology), Master of Business Administration, officer in the Naval Reserve and Honorary Doctor of Medicine from Linköping University
Professional experience/ previous assignments
Previously President—and founder—of Sectra’s medical operation, Executive Vice President of Sectra AB, full-time at Sectra since 1991, ship captain, and Board member of Cellavision AB, and others
Other posts
Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Board member of Shannon AB, Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV), Gerstorps Förvaltning AB, Ancylus OÜ, and others

Marie Ekström Trägårdh
President of Imaging IT Solutions operating area and and Executive Vice President Sectra AB
Born/Employee since
Born 1961/Employee since 1996
Sectra holdings
174,424 Class B shares, of which 20,000 Class B shares pertain to savings shares in LTIP 2021 SROW and a corresponding number of share rights have been allotted, as well as 15,000 share rights in LTIP 2022
Bachelor of Science in Systems Science and IT
Professional experience/ previous assignments
Formerly President of Sectra Sverige AB, Executive Vice President of Sectra’s Imaging IT Solutions operating area and senior positions at Sectra, Board assignment for Swedish Medtech and Pledpharma, Consultant at Frontec AB, Developer/ Project Manager/Product Manager at Fujitsu ICL
Other posts
Board member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

Jessica Holmquist
Chief Financial Officer Sectra AB
Born/Employee since
Born 1976/Employee since 2022/CFO since May 2022
Sectra holdings
3,000 Class B shares
Master of Science in Economics and Business and CEMS Master in International Management
Professional experience/ previous assignments
Previously Business Area Controller Corporate and acting Group controller at the defense and security company Saab AB, held various senior positions in the finance function since 2012, Senior Manager Corporate Finance and experience of auditing listed companies from PwC
Other posts
Board member of Mrent AB, Maskinia Holding AB and Gyllene Näktergalen Fastigheter AB

Magnus Skogberg
President of the Secure Communications operating area
Born/Employee since
Born 1976/Employee since 2022/President Secure Communications since August 2022
Sectra holdings
1,500 Class B shares
Master of Science in Information Technology
Professional experience/previous assignments
Experience from the defense and security industry and business operations regarding technologically advanced solutions. Previously senior positions in international sales and other executive positions at the defense and security company Saab AB

Lisa Everhill
Chief People and Brand Officer
Born/Employee since
Born 1979/Employee since 2006
Sectra holdings
12,895 Class B shares
Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics
Professional experience/ previous assignments
Formerly Market Communication and Investor Relations Manager and other senior positions in Sectra’s medical operation

Per Andersnäs
Chief Information Officer
Born/Employee since
Born 1962/Employee since 1997
Sectra holdings
4,000 Class B shares
Master of Science in Information Technology
Professional experience/ previous assignments
Formerly Product Development Director Imaging IT Solutions operating area and others, senior positions in Sectra’s medical operation