
Artificial intelligence (AI)

A collective term for the scientific field that studies the creation of machines and computer programs that display intelligent behavior. AI research encompasses numerous disciplines, including everything from studying philosophical issues to developing tangible technological solutions in such areas as medical diagnostics.


The field of medicine dealing with the functions and diseases of the heart.


From the term cloud computing, meaning that computer power is distributed over the internet or company-specific intranets and not on individual computers.

Critical infrastructure

Basic infrastructure that is essential for the functioning of society, such as health care, digital infrastructure, bank-related activities, transportation, energy and water supply.

Education portal

A cloud-based platform that provides users with access to a large digital library of quality assured and anonymous medical cases and images as well as the opportunity for distance learning.


Equipment that uses mathematical manipulations (algorithms and keys) to encrypt information, so that it can be interpreted or read only by the intended recipient. To read encrypted information, the recipient must have the correct key and algorithm.


The study of genetic material, meaning an organism’s DNA. In medicine, a patient’s genetic material is studied to increase understanding of the causes of disease. In cancer diseases, for example, a tumor’s mutations are studied in DNA. The genetic information plays an important role in diagnosing cancer and customizing treatment, known as precision medicine.

Integrated diagnostics

Diagnostic collaboration between different medical specialties, for example, between pathologists and radiologists for diagnosing, treating and monitoring cancer patients. Integrated diagnostics is facilitated by digital technology, computer algorithms, clinical workflows and extended reporting to the patient’s physician.


A radiology-based breast examination used to detect breast cancer at an early stage in asymptomatic women.

Medical diagnostic imaging

Using images (e.g. from radiology examinations or tissue samples) to assess a patient’s medical condition. It could, for example, concern detecting an illness, assessing the course of an illness, or providing guidance for suitable treatment.

Medical IT

Information technology (e.g. software) used in healthcare.

Musculoskeletal diseases

A collective term for diseases affecting the body’s musculoskeletal system, including the skeleton, muscles, joints and tendons.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A key figure for customer loyalty based on the question: “how likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?” The responses are on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means “not at all likely” and 10 means “highly likely.” The NPS is the sum of the percentage of promoters (i.e. those who responded with 9 or 10) minus the percentage of detractors (i.e. all those who responded between 0  and 6).

Operational technology (OT)

Hardware and/or software that controls and monitors devices, for example valves and pumps, that are part of a physical process. The terms industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are also commonly used to denote systems for operational technology.


A specialist medical area for the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.


A surgical specialty for disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system, meaning the skeleton, joints, tendons, other connective tissue and peripheral nerves.


Arthritis or osteoarthritis is an inflammatory disease in the joints where the cartilage in one or several of the body’s joints gradually breaks down.

Pathology, digital pathology

A specialized medical area that uses tissues and body fluids for diagnostic purposes. By digitizing the workflow, pathologists can review tissue samples digitally instead of with a microscope.

Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)

A system for managing medical images, such as digital radiology images.

Precision medicine

Providing patient care that is highly adapted to individual conditions rather than “one size fits all.” Advanced diagnostic analyses are a cornerstone of precision medicine.

Process industry

A type of automated manufacturing industry with several manufacturing processes, such as the paper industry, the petrochemical industry, and iron and steelworks.


A health science discipline and medical specialty that uses technologies for imaging the human body, such as X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound.

Sectra One/Sectra One Cloud

Subscription for Sectra’s enterprise imaging solution. Sectra One means that customers pay a more evenly distributed subscription fee every year instead of paying a higher license fee for software at the start of the contract and a lower rolling service fee. The fee is determined based on the functionality used and the number of different services are utilized. When Sectra One is sold as fully cloud-based services, it is referred to as Sectra One Cloud.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

This means that software will be delivered as a service. It may also include technology, operation and support in addition to the functionality of the specific software.

Virtual private network (VPN)

A technology used to create a secure connection or “tunnel” between two points along an  unsecured data network, such as the internet.

Visualization table

Large, interactive touch screen with an image-viewing program that enables interaction with 3D images of human and animal bodies.

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