Capital Markets Day 2023
Sectra hosted a Capital Markets Day (CMD) in Stockholm on January 27, 2023. The event focused on a selection of areas where Sectra can create value for customers and long-term sustainable growth for the Group.
Participants received an insight into the corporate culture that has led to the company receiving top rankings in customer satisfaction surveys and being named one of the best employers in Sweden. The visitors were also able to enjoy an interview with one of Sectra’s US customers – Dr. Charles E. Kahn, Professor and Vice Chair of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania.
The event was held in person.
- Location: IVA Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm
- Date and time: January 27, 2023, 10:30 a.m. (CET)
Thank you to all of you who took part in the event! Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
If you couldn’t attend, recorded presentations are available below.
All presentations (in English)

Introduction to Sectra
Our markets and growth strategies presented by Torbjörn Kronander, CEO and President Sectra
32 minutes

The Secure Communications business area
- Trends, growth drivers and focus forward presented by Magnus Skogberg, President Sectra Communications
- Q&A
28 minutes

Business innovation seeds for the future
- Orthopaedics IT, presentation by Gustaf Schwang, President business unit Orthopaedics
- Medical Education IT, presentation by Johan Carlegrim, President business unit Medical Education
- A glimps into Genomics IT and Research, presentation by CEO Torbjörn Kronander
- Q&A
49 minutes

The Imaging IT Solutions business area
Trends, growth drivers and focus forward presented by Marie E Trägårdh, President Sectra’s Imaging IT Solutions business area and Executive Vice President Sectra AB
27 minutes

Sectra in the US market
Presentation by Isaac Zaworski, President Sectra Inc
20 minutes

Transition to Sectra One subscription services and cloud
Presentation by Fredrik Gustavsson, Chief Technical Officer Sectra Imaging IT Solutions
15 minutes

Q&A session Imaging IT Solutions
15 minutes

Sectra’s way forward
Summary and take aways by Torbjörn Kronander
18 minutes