Start time:  15:30 CEST

Linköping, Sweden

2024 Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for September 10, 2024 in Linköping, Sweden. All you need to know and documents will be available below.

Time: 3:30 p.m. (CEST)

Place: Collegium, Teknikringen 7 in Linköping, Sweden

The notice of the AGM is issued not earlier than six weeks and not later than four weeks prior to the AGM.

Shareholders are entitled to have a matter addressed by the AGM. To ensure that the company has time to include matters in the notice, requests for matters to be addressed by the AGM must be received by the company not later than seven weeks prior to the AGM.

[Swe] För svenska, se fliken Information och handlingar på svenska.

Shareholders wishing for printed copies of the documents may notify the company, whereupon the documents will be sent by mail to the address provided.

The notice will be published on this webpage. It will also be announced in the Swedish Official Gazette (Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and an announcement that notice has been given is published in Svenska Dagbladet.

Shareholders who wish to receive future notices by email and subscribe for information from the company need to fill in their contact information on our webpage: investor.sectra.com/subscribe.

[Swe] För svenska, se fliken Information och handlingar på svenska.

Registration and notification

A shareholder wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) shall

  • be entered as a shareholder in the register of shareholders held by Euroclear Sweden AB as of Monday, September 2, 2024, and
  • no later than Wednesday, September 4, 2024 provide notification to the company in accordance with the instructions in this Notice. For shareholders that choose to submit a postal vote, such postal vote is deemed to be a notification for the AGM, see below.

A shareholder who wishes to participate in the AGM and who holds its shares through a nominee (Sw. förvaltare) must arrange for the shares to be registered in its name so that the shareholder is registered in the register of shareholders as of the record date September 2, 2024. Such a registration can be temporary (so-called voting registration) and shall be requested with the nominee according to the nominee’s requirements at such time in advance as is determined by the nominee. A voting registration that has been completed by the nominee no later than September 4, 2024 will be taken into account when preparing the register of shareholders.

A notification to participate in the AGM shall be submitted

  • via Euroclear Sweden AB’s website, https://anmalan.vpc.se/euroclearproxy/, by way of BankID verification or
  • in writing by post to Sectra AB (publ), Annual General Meeting, c/o Euroclear Sweden AB, Box 191, 101 23 Stockholm or
  • by phone +46-8-402 58 70.

A notification shall include the shareholder’s name, personal or corporate registration number, address, phone number and, if relevant, information about any proxy holder or accompanying assistant (not more than two).

Proxy holders and representatives of legal entities must submit their proxies in original copies, certificates of registration and other documents of authority well in advance of the AGM on the address set forth above. Proxy form is available for download, see the documents tab.

Postal voting

The Board of Directors of Sectra has with reference to § 12 in the Articles of Association decided that shareholders shall be entitled to exercise their voting right at the AGM by way of postal voting pursuant to chapter 7 § 4a of the Companies Act (2005:551).

For shareholders who choose to vote by post, a submitted postal vote is deemed to be a notification for the meeting.

In order to submit a postal vote, the shareholders shall use a particular form, please see the documents tab.

A completed and signed form shall be sent:

  • by post to Sectra AB (publ), c/o Euroclear AB, “Annual General Meeting”, Box 191, 101 23 Stockholm, Sweden or
  • by way of e-mail to generalmeetingservice@euroclear.com (refer to “Sectra AB – Postal voting” in the subject line).

The signed form must be submitted to Euroclear Sweden AB no later than September 4, 2024.

Shareholders who are individuals may choose to submit his or her vote digitally by BankID verification via Euroclear Sweden AB’s website, https://anmalan.vpc.se/euroclearproxy/. Such digital votes must be submitted no later than September 4, 2024.

For shareholders who are legal entities, a certificate of registration or other documentation to prove authority must be submitted together with the form.

If the shareholder is represented by proxy, a written proxy must be submitted. Proxy forms is available for download on the documents tab.

Information and terms for the completion of the postal vote are included in the form.

2024 time table

  • 10 September: Decision by the Annual General Meeting
  • 4 October: Last day of trading in Sectra shares including the right to redemption shares
  • 7 October: First day of trading in Sectra excluding the right to redemption shares
  • 8 October: Record day for the division of shares
  • 9–18 October: Trading in redemption shares on Nasdaq Stockholm
  • 22 October: Record day for redemption of redemption shares
  • 25 October: Preliminary date for payment of redemption amount via Euroclear

You can find further information about the redemption procedure in the brochure:

Nomination Committee and how to submit proposals

A Nomination Committee has been appointed in accordance with the resolution of the 2020 AGM. The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be presented in the notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Nomination Committee comprises the following members:

  • Torbjörn Kronander for own and related parties’ shareholdings
  • Patrik Jönsson representing SEB Investment Management
  • Mats Andersson representing Nordea Investment Funds
  • Jan-Olof Brüer in his role as Chairman of the Board and for own and related parties’ shareholdings

As of October 31, 2023, the members of the Nomination Committee represented a total of approximately 46% of the votes and 38% of the shares of Sectra.

The Nomination Committee will prepared and submit proposals regarding:

  • election of the Chairman of the Board and other Board members
  • allocation of Board fee payments to the Chairman and other members of the Board and potential remuneration for committee work
  • election of and fees to the auditors and deputy auditors (where applicable)
  • resolution on amendments to the Nomination Committee instructions, if the Nomination Committee deems such amendments to be necessary
  • Chairman of the AGM

Shareholders are prior to the notice of the AGM able to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee in writing by email info.investor@sectra.com or by mail to:
Sectra AB
Attn. Nomination Committee
Teknikringen 20
SE-583 30 Linköping, Sweden

Datum: Tisdagen den 10 september 2024

Tid: 15:30

Plats: Collegium, Teknikringen 7 i Linköping


Aktieägare som vill få handlingar översända med post kan kontakta bolaget per telefon 013-23 52 00 eller via e-post info.investor@sectra.com.


Kallelse offentliggörs tidigast sex veckor och senast fyra veckor före årsstämman. Kallelse sker också genom kungörelse i Post- och Inrikes Tidningar samt publicering på bolagets webbplats. Att kallelse skett annonseras i Svenska Dagbladet.

Aktieägare som vill få framtida kallelser med e-post och prenumerera på nyheter från Sectra är välkomna att fylla i sina kontaktuppgifter på vår websida: investor.sectra.com/subscribe.

Aktieägare har rätt att få ett ärende behandlat på årsstämman. För att bolaget med säkerhet ska hinna ta in ärende i kallelsen bör begäran om att ärende ska tas upp på årsstämman ha nått bolaget senast sju veckor före stämman.


En valberedning har tillsatts i linje med de instruktioner som antogs vid årsstämman 2020. Följande ledamöter ingår:

  • Torbjörn Kronander för eget och närståendes innehav
  • Patrik Jönsson utsedd av SEB Investment Management
  • Mats Andersson utsedd av Nordea Investment Funds
  • Jan-Olof Brüer i egenskap av styrelseordförande samt för eget och närståendes innehav

Valberedningens ledamöter representerar tillsammans cirka 46 procent av rösterna och 38 procent av aktierna i Sectra per den 31 oktober 2023.

Valberedningen har lämnat förslag till:

  • val av styrelseordförande och övriga ledamöter till bolagets styrelse
  • styrelsearvode uppdelat mellan ordförande och övriga ledamöter samt eventuell ersättning för utskottsarbete
  • val av och arvode till revisor och revisorssuppleant (i förekommande fall)
  • beslut om ändring av valberedningsinstruktionen, om valberedningen anser en sådan ändring påkallad
  • ordförande vid årsstämma

Förslagen framgår av kallelsen och valberedningens motiverade yttrande finns bifogat i “Förslag till beslut inklusive bilagor”, se dokument ovan.

Aktieägare som önskar lämna förslag till valberedningen har möjlighet att vända sig skriftligen till valberedningen via e-post info.investor@sectra.com eller på adress:

Sectra AB
Att. Valberedningen
Teknikringen 20
583 30 Linköping

För att valberedningen ska beakta ett förslag måste det ha inkommit i god tid innan kallelsen till årsstämman ska ske.

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