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The 2021/2022 financial year in brief

Sectra posted its highest sales to date, growth in recurring revenue and increased profit compared with the comparative year. This financial performance was a result of the company’s efforts to assist customers in providing the best possible care and increasing cybersecurity in areas where society’s critical functions are the most vulnerable.

A selection of financial performance measures


Net sales
SEK million


Operating profit
SEK million


Order bookings
SEK million


Cash flow per share


Earnings per share


Share redemption program
per share SEK
(Proposal to the 2022 AGM)

Highlights 2021/2022 fiscal year
Highlights 2021/2022 fiscal year
  • Awards for highest customer satisfaction in the US, Canada and Asia/Oceania.
  • Increased sales in markets where Sectra already commands a strong position, and several major customer projects have been delivered around the world.
  • Growing customer base in the US.
  • Most new customers choose Sectra One, the new subscription model for Sectra’s enterprise imaging solution.
  • Major deliveries of cloud-based solutions in key markets.
  • Sectra helps reputable healthcare providers to introduce digital pathology.
  • Customer offerings in medical imaging IT expanded to include a module for ophthalmology.
  • Sectra awarded Annual Spine Technology Award for innovative orthopaedic technology.
  • The number of subscribers to Sectra’s cloud service for medical education is growing.
  • Research results demonstrate clinical benefit of AI.
  • Framework agreement renewed with the Dutch Ministry of Defense.
  • The Norwegian Defense Forces expands its use of the Sectra Tiger mobile encryption system.
  • The pandemic had a significant impact on the financial results, with a certain improvement noted in the f inal quarter.
  • Orders from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and the Dutch Ministry of Defense.
  • The invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions imposed have had a minimal direct effect on Sectra’s operations. We have very limited activity in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
  • COVID-19 and the security situation in Europe are contributing to greater uncertainty than normal.
  • With a strong financial position, positive cash flows and a significant share of recurring revenue, we are well-equipped to manage these risks.

In the full Annual Report and Sustainability Report you will find further reading about risk management and how Sectra is addressing risks and uncertainties.

Examples of the values created for society and other stakeholders


  • More efficient diagnostics, choice of therapies for treatment and follow-up for these treatments.
  • Increased productivity, high quality and security in the healthcare sector, particularly in the use and management of medical images.
  • Easier planning and monitoring of orthopaedic procedures.
  • Medical and anatomy students who are better prepared for working life.
  • Protection against eavesdropping, unauthorized data access and cyberattacks.


  • Faster diagnosis and treatment, especially in areas related to illnesses among the elderly.
  • More reliable diagnoses yield better care outcomes.
  • Increased access to specialists, regardless of where care is sought.
  • Increased security regarding patient data.

Society and citizens

  • Increased efficiency and quality in medical diagnostic imaging and patient care.
  • Increased cybersecurity in critical social functions.
  • Job opportunities and tax payments in the countries where we operate.
  • Innovations and research results that could contribute to a healthier and safer society.


Total number of employments in 14 countries


Total number of patients in millions whose diagnostic imaging information is stored in Sectra’s systems


Percentage of sales re-invested in R&D for increased customer value


Purchase of goods for resale from suppliers, SEK million


Salaries and other remuneration of the President and employees, SEK million