
GT30, Grev Turegatan 30, Stockholm

Sectra Capital Markets Day with focus on cybersecurity

Thanks to all investors, financial analysts and media attending our Capital Markets Day. The event was dedicated to the Secure Communications business operations and how Sectra is positioning itself in relation to the new world of cybersecurity threats. Among the speakers were members of Sectra’s management and we were also honored to have Pia Gruvö from the Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service sharing insights into current and future challenges within encryption and cybersecurity. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

The aim was to give investors insight into Sectra’s role and growth potential in the increasingly dangerous world of cybersecurity threats. Participants also had the opportunity to meet with members of Sectra’s management and see demos of Sectra products for a safer society.

When:   September 26, 2019
Location:   GT30, Grev Turegatan 30, Stockholm, Sweden

Program and speakers

The program started with registration and coffee at 8:15 a.m. and ended at around 1:00 pm. Please find program for download below.

Torbjörn Kronander, CEO and President Sectra AB, and Simo Pykälistö, President of Sectra Secure Communications, will be presenting together with other members of the Secure Communications management team. Language: English.

Pia Gruvö, Head of the Crypto and IT Security Department/Director NCSA at the Swedish Armed Forces, will speak about encryption and how the Security Protection Act and increasing cyber security threats influence government authorities and companies. Note that this session will be held in Swedish.


If you have any questions, please contact Helena Pettersson, Chief Investor Relations Officer at either info.investor@sectra.com or +46 (0) 13 23 52 04.

Solutions on display

Watch presentations

The presentations by Sectra management was recorded and are published below.

Language: English

Sessions and speakers:

  1. Sectra’s cybersecurity arm and its relation to the medical IT operations
    Torbjörn Kronander, CEO and President Sectra AB
  2. Strategy for growth – Sectra’s role in the increasingly dangerous cybersecurity world
    Simo Pykälistö, President Sectra’s Secure Communications operating area and Executive Vice President Sectra AB
  3. What happens if and when quantum computers become a reality? How is the world to handle this?
    Jonathan Jogenfors, Research Manager, Sectra’s Secure Communications operating area
  4. National security – trusted by customers and security authorities in Europe
    Fredrik Sundström, VP customer segment National Security, Sectra’s Secure Communications operating area
  5. Secure mobile workplaces and smartphones
    Robert Lidquist, VP customer segment Civil authorities, Sectra’s Secure Communications operating area
  6. Critical infrastructure – increased operational security in the energy sector
    Lasse Larsson, VP customer segment Critical infrastructure, Sectra’s Secure Communications operating area
  7. “Skate to where the puck is going to be” – opportunities going forward in Secure Communications as well as in Sectra’s other business areas
    Torbjörn Kronander, CEO and President Sectra AB