
Conversion period convertible debentures program 2016/2020

Conversion period for the 2016/2020 convertible debentures program to external Board of Directors. The program end December 31, 2020.

Convertible debentures program 2016/2020, KV 29B

No. of series B shares: 19,476
Original conversion price/Recalculated conversion price: SEK 192.50/SEK 179.70
Conversion period: December 10–16, 2020
Maturity date: December 31, 2020
Dilution at full conversion, capital: 0.05%


The application form must be received by SEB Emissioner not later than December 16, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. Swedish time. Incomplete or incorrectly completed application forms will not be processed. This form may not be used to submit messages to the recipient.

Note: The application form above may only be used if your convertibles are in a securities account. If your convertibles are in custody in a deposit account with a bank or securities trader, contact your bank or securities trader for conversion.

Final conversion price was determined in November 2020

The original conversion price on the subscription date in 2016 was SEK 192.50. The price has since been recalculated  in the event of redemption processes and reduction of share capital in accordance with Section 8, Paragraph G of the Terms and Conditions for Sectra AB’s Convertibles. The recalculations means that the financial compensation to the holders of convertibles in relation to the shareholders is reasonable.

The final conversion price is SEK 179.70. This conversion price have been adjusted due to the share redemption programs implemented by Sectra and include changes related to the share redemption program in October 2020. The adjustment of the conversion prices were made November 10, 2020.