Environmental impact and policy
Sectra’s environmental work is characterized by consistent environmental consideration and continuous improvement processes in respect of climate impact and resource use. None of the Group’s operations are deemed to have a significant negative impact on the environment. Its activities are largely comparable with working in a traditional office environment. This means that our external environmental impact is very limited, which is why we do not report any key performance indicators in this area. Sectra is listed in REPA, the Swedish register for producer responsibility, for recycling of packaging and with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency for recycling of electronics and handling of electronic waste. The company’s operations are not subject to notification or permit requirements under the Swedish Environmental Code.
External environmental impact
Sectra primarily sells proprietary software and services and, to a lesser extent, physical products, including those from external suppliers. Proprietary physical products are produced by sub-suppliers in Europe. With respect to the resale of hardware, the Group’s external suppliers are large, global companies with processes and policies in place for key sustainability issues.
From an environmental perspective, the digital radiology systems that Sectra develops, for example, are highly advantageous. By enabling remote viewing, these systems help to reduce the number of patient trips and meetings as well as the transportation of medical images and pathology tests.
Sectra’s environmental management is based on ISO 14001. The management system includes an environmental plan. The plan describes how the potential environmental impact of our business operations are identified and estimated, our environmental policy for managing our environmental impact and compliance with obligations and requirements, the Group’s environmental goals and the measures taken to achieve these goals. The environmental plan is followed up annually in management’s review. The CEO is responsible for the environmental aspects of Sectra’s operations. Department heads, operating area and business unit managers and country organizations carry out the environmental plan in their operations.
Sectra has begun an initiative to survey the climate impact caused by its operations. More information can be found in our Annual Report and Sustainability Report.
Internal environmental impact
The company endeavors to ensure that its workplaces and premises are environmentally friendly and can save energy and resources by using technical equipment that is modern, green and energy efficient. Environmentally friendly alternatives are used where possible and when economically justified to minimize climate impact from travel and transportation. Telephone and videoconferencing are widely used.
Sectra’s environmental policy
Sectra shall strive to reduce its impact on the environment and contribute to a favorable environment in which to live. Decisions are to balance considerations regarding what is ecologically motivated, technically possible and economically viable.
Sectra shall contribute to an improved environment by:
- being efficient in its use of resources and reducing waste quantities as far as possible as well as the effect that waste can have on our environment
- using modern information technology as extensively as possible, thereby contributing to energy savings and reduced emissions
- selecting materials for our products that provide the least possible environmental impact and which are, at the same time, economically viable without compromising the quality of our products
- prioritizing purchased products and services that cause less environmental impact than otherwise comparable alternatives
- working to recycle used materials where possible
- providing a safe and pleasant working environment for our employees
Since February 1998, Sectra AB has been listed in the REPA registry for the recycling of packaging. Sectras business operations has been quality certified in accordance with ISO9001/TickIT since April 1996.